Board of Trustees

Elk Hill School District Board of Trustees:

Todd Weatherly – President (Term: 2028)


Billy Elliott – Member (Term: 2028)


Jessica Peterson-Clerk (Term: 2026)


Elk Hills Current Board Members

Board of Trustee Roles and Responsibilities:

The Board has outlined their roles and responsibilities as trustees. The Board desires to stay focused on the big picture while fulfilling five responsibilities in seven job areas. These five Board responsibilities are:

1. We set the direction.
2. We establish the structure.
3. We provide support.
4. We ensure accountability.
5. We act as community leaders.

We carry out these responsibilities in each of the following seven job areas:

1. Setting the District’s Direction
2. Student Learning and Achievement
3. Finance and Facilities
4. Human Resources
5. Policy and Judicial Review
6. Collective Bargaining
7. Community Relations and Advocacy

The superintendent’s responsibilities are to support the Board in carrying out the agreed upon vision and goals. The superintendent will conduct the day-to-day operations and supervision of the school.

Board of Trustee Meeting Agendas and Minutes
The Board encourages parents, community members and guests to attend Board Meetings to be informed partners on district business and activities! Regular Board of Trustee meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month with a starting time of 6:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the Board Room at Elk Hills School, 501 Kern Street, Tupman, CA. Please click on the following Board meeting agendas and/or meeting minutes to download the documents:

SELPA Public Notice

Williams Act Notice of Public Hearing

CIPA Public notice

LCAP /Public notice

Board Meeting Agendas/Minutes